Storage ottomans not only provide a great focal point in any living room, somewhere to put your feet up. But they help to hide away unsightly magazines, files and children toys. They’re also great for quickly sweeping in all the built-up clutter of magazines and unopened mail when guests suddenly arrive. Here are just a few ideas of the items you can stash away in your ottoman.
Files – Working from home more often nowadays? Use your ottoman to stow away your office files, folders, calculators and pens, so you don’t have to look at these items at the weekend when you’re not in work mode.
Toy chest – Your children’s toys not only look unsightly, but can be a real nuisance. Have you ever trodden on a piece of Lego? Ouch! Use your ottoman in a child’s bedroom to keep it tidy and to provide a bit of seating space.
Shoes – Often, there are no dedicated places for storing shoes in the household and these can end up getting in the way and looking messy. Shoes can be safely stored in an Ottoman, particularly ones that aren’t worn very often should be stored away like this to avoid an accumulation of dust and marks
DVD’s – Keep CD’s and DVD’s neatly tidied away and free from dust and damage. This will avoid the need to hunt around the house looking for them next time you fancy watching one of your favourite films.